About Us

Our Purpose Kaupapa

✓ To project manage our vision to implement a world-class wildlife hospital in Kaikōura, enabling a stronghold for wildlife rehabilitation in the upper South Island.

✓ To provide professional wildlife care in a biodiversity hotspot, facilitating a critical environmental service to enable the preservation of at risk species.

Our Mission Mīhana

✓ To aid wildlife recovery through rescue, veterinary treatment, rehabilitation, research, training, outreach and education.

✓ To enable the wider community to protect, restore and enhance our natural environment for the next generation.

Our Work Mahi

✓ To develop the Kaikōura Wildlife Hospital vision by working with partners and funders to progress to construction of the wildlife centre.

✓ As a charity our vision relies on donors and sponsors. You can help in impactful ways by supporting our cause.

Our People Tāngata

✓ Our Trust is a non-profit conservation organisation working to improve biodiversity outcomes in the biodiverse Kaikōura region.

✓ Our Trust is governed by a Board of representatives with diverse expertise to progress our vision. To find out more about our Trustees, click here.